Theft is a part of life - in the "truth" or out
I've been in Liverpool Cong, Bedford and now London area and in each of the congs there has been a scandal over money.
In Liverpool it was a £280 discrepancy in the Lit room, in Bedford the Accounts servant was caught "borrowing" and "irregularities" over collection and tabulation of moneys - it was only small (£250) amounts but the principle is the same.
The worst was my current cong where the accounts servant has kept a very tight hold over the books and "cash's up himself" - there is now a discrepancy of provable £3,900 errors (I think there is a lot more) but as he is the PO's son nothing has been done.
Most JW's are honest, I've found its the "favoured sons" who are the worst - and they are the "untouchables"